Making a photo feature is an art and technique . This article discusses various...
Effects of negative news have been studied by several media scholars and it concludes...
Hindi and Narendra Modi – Hindi language is spoken by maximum number of people...
Photo feature is a way of telling story in visual form. This article defines...
Exposure Triangle एक्सपोजर ट्रिएंगिल Exposure triangle include light controlling factors in camera. This article...
Selfie photography सेल्फी फोटोग्राफी में बरतें सावधानी फोटोग्राफी कभी बहुत ही मॅंहगा शौक माना...
Radio slogan is used to give any message in an effective and memorable manner...
BBC Documentary is now widely discussed among various section of society. This article has...
Characterization describes about various characters in the story, drama and novel. This article discusses...
Color is one important means of communication in our life. This article discusses various...